all postcodes in CT15 / DOVER

find any address or company within the CT15 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT15 7AA 9 0 51.117126 1.277541
CT15 7AB 8 2 51.111773 1.261418
CT15 7AD 1 0 51.111444 1.259734
CT15 7AE 1 0 51.105435 1.246823
CT15 7AF 5 0 51.108866 1.246678
CT15 7AG 3 0 51.112712 1.243521
CT15 7AH 13 0 51.113714 1.254449
CT15 7AJ 2 0 51.112674 1.255879
CT15 7AL 2 0 51.114263 1.256963
CT15 7AN 7 0 51.114889 1.257078
CT15 7AP 2 0 51.120873 1.267962
CT15 7AQ 1 1 51.111745 1.247651
CT15 7AR 5 0 51.134461 1.223812
CT15 7AS 3 1 51.121915 1.259071
CT15 7AT 6 0 51.117619 1.243419
CT15 7AU 5 0 51.118023 1.23956
CT15 7AW 3 0 51.121001 1.262479
CT15 7AX 3 0 51.117696 1.239022
CT15 7AY 5 1 51.117877 1.238266
CT15 7AZ 12 0 51.116723 1.237782